Covid 19 ” Traffic Light System ” The Mark of the Beast Control

With Ramaphosa’s New Year surprise on 31st of December 2021 ,

This was in Governments Mindset –

The New Covid 19 Traffic Light System rules and Regulations will replace National Lock-down , Soon to be Announced world wide . Green . Orange and Red Arias will have different rules and Regulations


– New Zealand Approved the New ” Traffic Light System ” for access Control – Most of the country will start in the “orange” traffic light setting when the new Covid-19 protection framework kicks in this Friday.

Soon coming to SA Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern revealed the initial settings for the new system on Monday at her post-Cabinet press conference.No area will start in Green, as the Government have said the risk of the outbreak escaping Auckland is too high for that.Auckland and a clutch of other regions in the North Island with lower vaccination rates will start at red. Those are: Northland, Taupō, Rotorua lakes districts, Whakatāne, Kawerau, Ōpōtiki, Gisborne, Wairoa, Rangitikei, Whanganui and Ruapehu Districts.* Covid-19: How travel will work in the new traffic light system* Covid-19: How bars and restaurants will work under the traffic light system* Covid-19: Clock ticking for the unvaccinated with ‘traffic light’ date setNorthland and the Bay of Plenty have also seen outbreaks as well lower numbers of Covid-19 cases.The rest of the country – including the entire South Island, Wellington, and Waikato – will all start at orange.Waikato has an ongoing community cluster but also has fairly high vaccination rates, with 91 per cent of its estimated 12+ population first dosed.Other than Auckland, the regions starting at red all had second dose rates for their 12+ population below 79 per cent as of last Tuesday, with Kawerau as low as 64 per cent.

The Government has not provided a vaccination milestone that would see a district switch from red into orange, however.Ardern said these settings would be reviewed by Cabinet on December 13 but then stay in place for much of the summer period. But she said no region could move to green before January 17.Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said much of the country would start in orange.On January 17 the settings would be reviewed again, then again every fortnight from there.“The certainty and stability of the traffic lights replaces the sudden lockdowns and restrictions of Alert Levels. Our schools will stay open at every colour and businesses will have protection through My Vaccine Passes to keep operating,” Ardern said.“Vaccinated New Zealanders using vaccine passes will be able to do many of the things that were previously treated as high risk like safely going to bars and restaurants, getting a haircut, and going to a concert or the gym. In Auckland, it means seeing friends and family indoors again.”The Government also announced a transition payment of up to $24,000 for businesses to move into the system.Ardern emphasised that travel was allowed between regions at whatever colour – other than the restrictions around Auckland travel. People can only leave Auckland after December 15, but only with either a vaccine pass or negative Covid test. The border will fully open from Auckland on January 17.






This applies when hospitalisation rates are likely unsustainable.


This applies when community transmission is putting pressure on the health system.


This applies when community cases are low and hospitalisations are manageable.In general the system will see an end to lockdowns, although the Government has retained the ability to put small areas with low vaccination rates into localised lockdowns if an outbreak occurs.At all levels people can visit friends and family and move between regions, even between red and orange areas – although there are some extra controls for Auckland.At orange venues and businesses that require vaccine passes can generally operate normally, with no capacity limits or seating requirements.

Venues that choose to not require vaccine passes will face more severe restrictions, with cafes and restaurants only able to allow for pickup and delivery.At red venues can still open if they require vaccine passes, but will need to have capacity limits and seating requirements.The new system will mean far more restrictions for businesses outside of Auckland that refuse to use vaccine passes, but far more freedoms for businesses in the city that do choose to use them.“Red is the highest level in the new system, which is why Auckland has moved in at red as the epicentre of the current outbreak, and we’ve taken strong account of vaccination rates and vulnerable populations in the other regions at red,” Ardern said.“There are 160,889 Kiwis due for a second dose – if everyone got it this week we would be at 89.3 per cent fully vaccinated. I encourage those people to get their second dose today to benefit from the full protection of the vaccine, and to be able to get their Vaccine Pass.”“We’ve come through the past two years of Covid in better shape than nearly anywhere in the world, with the lowest case and death rates in the OECD, a growing economy, and among the highest rates of vaccination in the world.“We’re now in the strongest position to move forward into the next phase.”The

Government has issued 2.4m vaccine passes. Covid-19:

McDonald’s requires vaccine pass to dine in under traffic light system

The new settings, which represent a step towards normality, come into effect on Friday. Will the new framework be affected by the Omicron variant?

The unvaccinated will have to add dine-in Big Macs to the list of freedoms they will be denied under the new traffic light system.McDonald’s New Zealand spokesman Simon Kenny​ told Stuff that customers will need to present a vaccine pass to eat in at its restaurants.“Customers who go into restaurants will need My Vaccine Pass. We will continue to offer contactless service via drive-thru and McDelivery, where My Vaccine Pass will not be required.”McDonald’s is only the latest in a long list of establishments that the unvaccinated will be unable to enter under the new traffic light system.* Covid-19: Restaurant owner reluctantly ‘leaning towards’ getting vaccinated to save business and jobs* Covid-19: How bars and restaurants will work under the traffic light system* Fast food workers call on Government for protection against anti-vax customersPrime Minister Jacinda Ardern has previously said that vaccination is the “golden ticket” to freedom.“We know there are some still making the decision over when to be vaccinated – but we need to make decisions now that will protect them and others,” Ardern said on Wednesday.

PM Jacinda Ardern says vaccination is the ‘golden ticket’ to freedom ? CLEARLY SHE HAVEN’T MET JESUS YET !!!!


Aldi is implementing a new automated traffic light system at entrances, to control the number of customers going in and out of stores due to Covid 19 restrictions .

The nationwide roll out of the new technology starts from this week following a successful trial.

Traffic lights will signal when customers can enter stores based on individual store customer limits that are in line with two-metre social distancing rules.

NHS and Green light worker priority access remains in place. These workers are encouraged to go to the front of the queue and other customers will be asked to continue to respect this.

The traffic light system will run alongside the current measures already in place at all Aldi stores to ensure social distancing. Soon to be equipped with Green Passport Scanners and Access Control Measures

Dear Covid Vaccinated Christians – I just want to leave this with you ! The day you accepted This worlds answer for a Plandemic , You selected not to accept Gods Protection over the Noisome Pest , You selected not to go under the Healing plan of God , and you selected not to go under the providing plan of God due to Fear and Unbelief in your Great God , You chose to follow the king of this world and his plan = Pharmakia . and accepted the Mark of the Beast = Covid Vaccine Certificate . The day is coming when you need to hand that Certificate to a security officer to enter a Premises to BUY or SELL ( Work as an Employee ) That’s the day that Vaccine Certificate or QR Code Digital Green Passport becomes YOUR PERSONAL MARK OF THE BEAST . Remember this Message that day !